Image by Mompes
Biblical stewardship is what this blog is all about. which has to do with heart and mindset as much as the practical approach to money. Stewardship is an unusual word in our age. Uless you are talking about environmental stewardship you won’t hear it much.
From a Christian perspective it is the understanding that you own nothing, but that everything belongs to the LORD; we have been temporarily entrusted with the proper use of those resources.
The dictionary definition of Stewardship is:
the conducting, supervising, or managing of something;especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.
The church at large has done a poor job at balancing concepts of biblical stewardship. Our views of how to handle money seem to flow with the larger economic situations. For example, during the booming growth of the 1990’s “prosperity” theology took off and crept into mainstream church thought. Now, during a recession many people are shunning such theology for a theology of poverty. I don’t believe either of these extremes is a realistic example of biblical stewardship. Biblical stewardship is the recognition that we own nothing, but are managers of God’s money and resources. We are to use our resources as God would like us to use them and and not allow money to take over our life choke out our fruitfulness. (Parable of the sower)
Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears talk about four ways money can be stewarded in their book Doctrine They are broken down into two sets of two categories: Rich/Poor and Righteous/Unrighteous. Some people are rich and deal righteously with the treasure God has entrusted into their care. Some people are poor who do not handle their lot righteously. Stewardship is not something merely for the well to do. Both rich and poor are called to be good stewards of their money.
Neither the circumstances of the global economy, nor our personal economy should determine how we steward the money entrusted to us. How we steward God’s money should be determined by the biblical principles God has laid out, humility and generosity. If you are a believer then all of your decisions. financial or otherwise, should be made in light of what the God of the universe has already given you in his Son. Working out the details is what this website is about. Subscribe and follow along on the journey as we look at both practical money saving advice as well as scriptural issues.
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